Contingent Worker Solutions (CWS)
Elevate your contingent workforce
We are Contingent Workforce experts, specialising in designing complex solutions to drive value through Managed Service Programmes (MSP). Tailored specifically for managing your contingent workforce, we’re here to support your business at every stage of its journey.
Centred on fulfilment, our solutions deliver value through cost savings, cost containment, supplier performance and quality whilst ensuring compliance with workforce regulations. We give organisations real-time management information to ensure you have full visibility of your workforce.
CWS by Owen Daniels
What are Contingent Worker Solutions?
Contingent Worker Solutions are complex solutions designed to optimise a non-permanent workforce. These solutions deliver a package of work through integrated Managed Service Programmes to drive measurable value.
The benefits of a Managed Service
A well-considered Managed Service Programme is designed to align specifically with our client’s strategic objectives, whether to realise sustainable cost savings, improve workforce management and compliance, or access real-time data-driven insights to help you make informed decisions.
What are Contingent Workers?
Contingent Workers are a dynamic pool of workers who are not directly employed, and are typically engaged for short-term assignments or long-term projects. The most common forms of Contingent Workers are Temporary Workers, Umbrella Workers and Independent Contractors engaged via a Personal Service Company (PSC).
Built around your workforce
Read our CWS playbook