Owen Daniels Online Interview Tips
28th February 2023

Online Interview Tips


Teams or Zoom interviews are still a popular way to recruit your team. Here is one of our Key Account Managers Dan's top tips for teams or zoom interview success!

  • Make sure the device is fully charged and the application being used fully update with any software updates
  • Natural light and a clear background
  • Somewhere quiet with no distractions
  • Device to be mounted, propped up or on a straight side
  • Dress in appropriate interview clothes
  • Do a test call with the agent, family member or friend
  • Keep device at shoulder level making sure your head and shoulders are in view
  • Connect to WIFI if possible
  • Make sure mic and camera are turned on

If you are looking for work in the #engineering or #manufacturing industry follow this link : https://bit.ly/41phxpr
